- Business

Tips to nailing your first media interview

Media attention can be a game changer for business which is why public relations is so important.  Lots of preparation is needed to ensure you put your best foot forward and shine a positive light on your business.

Settle your nerves and impress with these tips to nailing your first interview with the media from the public relations team at Adoni Media.

  1. Prepare your pitch

Before your interview, it’s important to establish the language and tone you’d like to use. Consider any main points you want to mention, including any key phrases used on your website or social pages, or any time-sensitive information that you need to address. Also, have a few key facts and statistics stored in your mind to help you sound professional and well-informed about the topic.

  1. Key message vs. hook

While you may think a key message and hook are the same thing, they aren’t. The product, service or idea you are pitching is represented in your key message, while your hook is short and concise. In brief, your key message will make a difference to the listener however the hook is what makes the listener care about your message.

  1. Practise

Practise makes perfect. Write down a list of anticipated questions and practise answering them using the language and tone appropriate to your company’s image. You never know when an interviewer will throw a surprise question your way, so practise a range of questions and responses to make sure you aren’t intimated. It’s also a good idea to practise body language as it can affect how your message comes across.

  1. Know the interview do’s and don’ts


  • Make small-talk before an interview
  • Shake out that nervous tension
  • Lead with the most important information
  • Smile and show enthusiasm
  • Thank the interviewer for the opportunity and their time.


  • Fidget
  • Use technical jargon
  • Speculate
  • Answer something you don’t know
  • Say ‘no comment’.

About Joshua Moran

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