- Health

All About Composite Dental Bridges: What They Are and How They Work?

A composite dental bridge is a dental restoration used to replace missing teeth. It’s a fixed prosthetic device designed to “bridge” the gap created by one or more missing teeth. 

Composite dental bridges are made from a combination of materials, with the primary material being dental composite resin. Today, we will dive into the construction and working of composite dental bridges. To obtain the aesthetics of composite dental bridges, get in touch with Bessemer City cosmetic dentistry today. 

Construction of Composite Dental Bridges

Composite dental bridges consist of two main components:

  • Pontic: This artificial tooth (or teeth) fills the gap left by the missing tooth. The pontic is typically made from a tooth-colored composite resin material, which can be customized to match the color and shape of your natural teeth.
  • Wings or Attachments: The wings or attachments are usually made of metal or ceramic and are attached to the adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. These attachments provide support and stability for the bridge.

How do They work?

The process of getting a composite dental bridge typically involves several steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Your dentist will examine your oral health and discuss your options for replacing the missing tooth or teeth. They will determine if a composite dental bridge is a suitable choice based on factors like the health of your adjacent teeth and your overall oral health.
  • Tooth Preparation: If the adjacent teeth are healthy and suitable to support a bridge, your dentist will prepare them by removing a small amount of enamel to make space for the attachments. This is usually done under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort.
  • Impression: An impression of your teeth is taken, which is then sent to a dental laboratory. This impression helps the dental technician create a customized bridge that fits your mouth precisely.
  • Temporary Bridge: While your permanent bridge is being fabricated, your dentist may provide you with a temporary bridge to protect the exposed gums and maintain your appearance.
  • Placement: Once your permanent bridge is ready, your dentist will remove the temporary bridge and check the fit and appearance of the new bridge. Adjustments can be made if necessary. Once satisfied, the bridge is bonded in place using dental adhesive.

Final Words

Whether a composite dental bridge is the best option for your specific dental needs or not is to be decided by your dentist. They can provide guidance based on your individual situation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan. Get in touch with your dentist today! 

About Joshua Moran

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