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Five Best Outfits for Summers

Sunny days are perfect to lace up the shoes and head out in search of an alpine lake. During Summer season most of the people face Sunburn, Dehydration, heat cramps, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Sun protecting clothing is one good option to defend against the sun. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on exposed skin to prevent sunburns.

It is advisable to choose lightweight clothing and fabric to stay cool in the summers. Lightweight 100% wool is also a considerable option. It is a misconception that wool is better in winter. Lighter weaves of wools are suited for the hot summer season.

Heavy fabric tends to cling the skin and trap sweat. It adds the layer of heat between the fabric and body. Instead of wearing heavier versions of cotton, such as will (of which jeans is made of). A person should opt for poplin, seersucker and madras cotton. Broadcloth cotton dress shirts will be cooler since it is made with the heavier oxford weaves.

In High temperature, it is advisable to wear breathable fabric clothes. Since humidity may make life uncomfortable. Clothes should offer protection in Summer. It is important to look stylish best in heat protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. It should be a priority.

Some of the best summer outfits


Long Sleeve Shirts

Most of the polo t-shirts are produced by the T-shirt production [รับผลิตเสื้อยืด, which is the term in Thai] house in such a way that it does not cover the arms and short sleeved henleys leave upper chest exposed to the sun. A person should opt for long sleeves and t-shirts that cover the sensitive area at the base of the neck.

Light color shirts and t-shirts

According to basic physics, dark colors absorb more light. Hence it will be hotter. And Light colors reflect light. It makes them cooler to wear in summers. Dark shades like blue, purple, green generate thermal energy when it is exposed to intense sunlight. Whereas lighter colors generate less thermal energy under the same sunlight conditions.

Straw and Felt Hats provide protection

Hats are classic and stylish options for both men and women. It protects the head and face from the sun. Body heat escapes more easily from the head. An individual need to protect the head from sunrays.

Summer Jackets

An unlined or half-lined hopsack jacket is lightweight, breathable and appropriate for the hot summer season. The lightweight and light-coloured suit in cotton, linen or tropical are suitable for heat. Linen wicks the moisture from the body and keeps the person breezy. A linen jacket should be breathable.

Linen Shirts will keep you cooler in Hot summers

Linen shirts are lightweight and comfortable during the hot summer season. The only drawback is the amount of ironing is necessary. Most of t-shirt production houses make linen shirts in the summer season.

In hot weather, it is a priority to be comfortable but with the right mix of colourful and lightweight and breathable fabrics. It is constructed with the right elements and an individual does not have to sacrifice style for comfort.

About Paul Petersen

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