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French bulldog personality and behavior: 10 truths

\Knowing about the French bulldog’s personality and behavior are requirements for having one at home. Only after this information, you can decide if the breed matches your lifestyle. Some experts claim that the dog is affectionate, smart, sociable, lively and patient. It is also considered an easy dog ​​to handle. However, Frenchie dog is not an athletic pet, due to physical issues that limit its physical fitness. But these are not the only characteristics of the French bulldog’s personality and behavior.

Playful –

Characterizing the French bulldog as a playful dog is unanimous to experts. The breed loves to play with the tutor.

Affectionate –

Despite the face of few friends and the serious expression, Frenchie is affectionate with all those he knows. With older owners, he is especially dedicated and attentive to the needs of tutors.

Clever –

Round and wide-open eyes, compact body and large ears: all of these physical characteristics favored this dog’s attentive behavior. Therefore, it is considered a smart dog to everything that occurs around it.

Sociable –

Although socialization is an aspect that needs to be worked on from the beginning of this puppy’s life, he is considered a sociable animal.

Alert –

Even though he is a dog of few words, as he does not bark often, he is a good dog for protection. Their alertness makes them excellent watchdogs.

Friendly –

This breed has a friendly nature. Therefore, it is a dog that has the facility to make new human friends, establishing a good relationship with family members.

Patient –

One of the good virtues of the French bulldog personality is patience. So it becomes an ideal dog for older owners and also to live in the same environment with children.

Mischievous –

This characteristic of the breed’s behavior is more common to be noticed in the puppy phase. When small, bulldogs are very agitated and therefore end up committing the most different antics.

Funny –

Anyone who wants to have a fun canine friend can find him in the French bulldog. Even though he is not a very active dog, he can be considered a bit of a “clown” in the family.

Calm –

Although playful, lively and fun, this dog does not lose its calm side. With a French bulldog at home, you will always have someone waiting for you when you return from work or school. Affection and adaptation is the synonym of this breed. Therefore, it is a good companion dog.

About Clare Louise

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