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Learn more about the 12 Steps and the 12 Step Programs.

The 12 steps are steps that aid patients in addiction recovery. Alcoholics can use these steps to achieve sobriety. Many addictions, including substance abuse disorders, are being treated with these ideas. The ‘steps’ in 12-step recovery programs are just a fraction of what’s involved. The 12 recovery principles help to define each member’s mind-set.

12 Steps

Step 1: Admit that your life has become out of control.

Recognize that you can’t handle your addiction on your own. It has taken over your life, and you have lost all control.

Step 2: Recognize that you’ll need God to get sober.

Because you have no control over your life, you must accept that God must intervene and assist you in becoming sober. You can’t succeed without Him.

Step 3: Make the decision to give your life to God.

Now that you’ve realized you need God’s help, you’ve made the conscious decision to hand over your life to Him.

Step 4: Take an honest assessment of your life.

Examine your life. What went wrong? What are some of your blunders?

Step 5: Acknowledge your mistakes to yourself, God, and others.

Accept full responsibility for your errors and omissions. Share your errors with others and be honest about your blunders.

Step 6: Prepare to have God remove your flaws in character.

Allow yourself to be changed. Now that you’ve admitted your mistakes, get ready to change the behaviors that led to them.

Step 7: Beg God to forgive you for your flaws.

Pray for God to remove these flaws from your life so that you can make positive changes.

Step 8: Make a list of everyone you’ve harmed as a result of your addictions and be prepared to make amends.

Determine who you’ve harmed as a result of your addiction. This list could be quite long, depending on how long you were an addict.

Step 9: Make amends with those who have been harmed by you.

This step isn’t meant to make you feel better; it’s meant to express genuine regret for the harm you’ve caused others. Don’t make things worse just to make amends.

Step 10: Keep an open mind about your actions and admit when you’re wrong.

Check in with yourself on a regular basis to see if you’re on the right track. If you aren’t, admit it and make the necessary adjustments.

Step 11: Ask God for guidance and the strength to follow it.

Pray for God’s guidance in remaining sober.

Step 12: Put what you’ve learned into practice and spread the message of hope and recovery to other addicts.

The final step is to stay committed to the 12 steps for the rest of your life. Addiction doesn’t go away just because you finish the program or any other form of substance abuse treatment. You’ll be fighting it for the rest of your life, so keep working to stay sober. You should also spread the message of sobriety and faith to others you know who are struggling with addiction. Let them know that if they dedicate themselves to sobriety and to God, they can live a clean life.

For More Information On 12 Steps Programs, Contact The Taylor Recovery Center.

Taylor Recovery Center is here to help you or a loved one reclaim their life if they are struggling with addiction. To learn more about our programs, contact us today.

About Marty Rogers

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